[Photo outside my former apartment window, on 9/4/20 at 4:58 PM]

Ranken Jordan | Flickr]
NOTE: This blog is dedicated to the hours of 6 AM to 7 AM; posting at other times, is at my discretion... 


5:12 PM (4/12/22):

"I just watched the entirety of this Usain Bolt documentary... such was quite inspiring, making me recollect when I had watched him break the 200-meter world record in 19.19 seconds... at the 2009 World Championships, in Berlin, Germany... via a livestream, at the time (on my laptop, when I had been at my former home... in Chesterfield, MO, in the summer of 2009)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Usain Bolt Tv docunentary - YouTube (24:44-25:23 is my favorite part) 


3:57 PM (4/12/22):

"Something about TV's, which intrigues me... The television was invented on September 7, 1927 (by Philo Farnsworth, in San Francisco, California)... and arguably, was influenced by the camera's invention... 111 years earlier, by Frenchman... Joseph Niepce (in 1816)...

Televisions portray our '3-dimensional reality' onto a 2-D display, and due to the invention of 'motion pictures'... I am curious about the contrast, between still-frames of the 2-D, versus 3-D... experience... Perhaps it's more meaningful, to take note of those of our lives... versus those of TV screens... given that the latter, can be fleeting... and not as memorable..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:34 PM (4/12/22): "Of all the TV shows one has watched in the past couple decades, can one remember any of the episodes.. still-frame by still-frame... as opposed to certain milestones in life, which are more immersive (ceremonies, for instance)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:37 PM (4/12/22): "TV can refine our daily lives, and is a subset of such... Thus, moderation is key... in order to capitalize on time, and not feel like one has 'diminishing returns'... regarding such, in the context of the variables... of the spirit, mind and body..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(interior of my former apartment, in October 2020)


8:40 PM (3/6/22):

"A biography, of my dad..." - Michael Izuchukwu

John Ifeanyichukwu Izuchukwu, PhD, MBA, PE, Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who's Who (

"A mini-biography, of me..." - Michael Izuchukwu

About | Michael Izuchukwu ( 


7:28 PM (3/6/22): "Interesting... my dad had formerly wanted to be on the board of a pediatric hospital (Ranken Jordan), in Saint Louis..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Ranken Jordan | Flickr


Tomorrow (Reprise) - YouTube  





5:22 PM (3/6/22):

 [photo of me, my youngest brother, Joe, and my Uncle Chuka (left to right)... at Thai Country Cafe (in University City, MO), on 10/21/20]


5:08 PM (3/6/22)
(photo of my dad, in his office... at my former apartment... sometime between 2011 and 2020)




3:30 PM (3/6/22): 
"Interesting song, that I first discovered... a few months ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Peach Tree Rascals | "Things Won't Go My Way" - YouTube 


2:59 PM (3/6/22):

"My dietary efficiency has increased since my time at my former apartment (March 2020-October 2020), but the thing that puzzles me... is how my dad likely never knew of my cooking talents... Most of the food displayed on my Instagram profile, was prepared after his death on 10/8/20... I prepared a number of things on my Couchsurfing profile as well, but usually I would manage to do such... when he had vacated the premises, and I subjected myself to the risk... of being 'defiant'..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

"On a deleted Facebook profile of mine, I had been posting pictures of chicken nuggets, hotdogs, deli meat sandwiches (for lunch), French fries, croissants and butter, beef, potatoes and African-style dishes... that my dad often wanted me to eat with him, whenever he was in the mood... for such..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:14 PM (3/6/22):

(some chicken, croissants with butter, and some vegetables... prepared by my dad, on 5/17/20)


2:56 PM (3/6/22): 
"A shrimp and okra-wrap dinner, that I prepared... on 10/13/20, at my former apartment... One of my favorite delicacies..." - Michael Izuchukwu



2:48 PM (3/6/22): 

"Interesting 'father-daughter' video, on mitosis... a process in which two daughter cells, have the same number of chromosomes... as the parent nucleus..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


11:04 AM (3/6/22): "When Jesus Christ was on Earth, He likely walked great distances... daily... spreading the 'Word of God'... Based off the circumstances of His birth to the Virgin Mary Magdalene and His performance of various miracles, one can conclude that He must have had insights about 'higher dimensions (aside from his 'spiritual fortification')'... in order to have conquered His Crucifixion, Resurrect 3 days later, and then depart to heaven... 40 days, after that..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Sermon on the Mount: The Higher Law - YouTube


10:56 AM (3/6/22):

"Interesting video of a woman working out... If I didn't know any better, I'd assume she has a regimen that is aligned with one... who is 'attempting to ascend'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Getting my life together ✨ productive & chill daily routine (vlog) - YouTube 

NOTE: "My first impression was that she treats her 'dominion' as a spaceship, and is just guarding her territory..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:52 AM (3/6/22):
"I recently became quite fond of this song..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Bryson Tiller - Don't (Explicit Version) - YouTube (my favorite part is 1:43-2:35) 


8:22 AM (3/6/22):
"Neil deGrasse Tyson makes a cameo appearance, in this 'Superman' video:

Batman v Superman - Gods Among Us [Extended cut] - YouTube (1:31-2:04)


7:58 AM (3/6/22): 

"I was reminded of this scene, from 'Man of Steel (2013)'... moments ago... Some movie scenes, can resonate with a person..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Man of Steel - Jonathan's Sacrifice Scene (5/10) | Movieclips - YouTube


7:48 AM (3/6/22): 

"Personally, I prefer McDonald's to Wendy's... but I would have to walk a distance from my dominion, that is greater than that to Subway... to reach there... (a roundtrip in excess of 1.2 miles, that is)" - Michael Izuchukwu

McDonald's and PepsiCo are among the fast-food companies being urged by political figures to stop doing business in Russia ( 


7:46 AM (3/6/22):
"Inspiring song, when emerging from the shadows... and into the light..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Runaway Horses Mishima - YouTube 


7:40 AM (3/6/22):

"Bizarre article..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Chris Brown Sued For $50 Million By Housekeeper | News | BET 


6:59 AM (3/6/22):
"Evidently, one does not necessarily realize who one truly is... until having endured many trials and tribulations, and tested oneself outside of one's sphere of comfort... One may have to branch away from the familiar, to know whether or not... such is truly reflective, of what one is about..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Real You - Alan Watts - YouTube 


6:46 AM (3/6/22):

"My first semester at Rice University (Fall 2008), I considered taking a course called Physics 111... for about a week, before I switched to Physics 101... While in the former, there was some discussion of 'Zeno's Paradox'... a concept which suddenly arose in my mind, moments ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"I ended up getting a 'B' in Physics 101: Mechanics... so, such likely was a wise decision... on my part... After the first homework set was assigned, I knew I had to think quickly..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Zeno's Paradox - Numberphile - YouTube 


 6:41 AM (3/6/22): "Some eggs and sausage, from 6:24 AM today..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:11 AM (3/6/22):

"For what should it profit a man, to gain the whole world... but lose his own soul...?" - Mark 8:36

"There was a cause which brought about one's emergence into this world... and such likely is of a nature, which takes precedence to our present state of being... When we humans depart from this realm, there likely is a confrontation with a 'similar cause'... which heavily influences what transpires, after this life..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

"For every cause, there is a causation... which itself, has a 'cause'..."- Michael Izuchukwu


5:55 AM (3/6/22):

"Interesting video, which makes me question people's motivations... for certain actions... or whether they ponder about the implications of them, before executing..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Do You Believe in God? - YouTube 


5:38 AM (3/6/22): "Today marks 3 years since I won a lawsuit against my mom ('in court'), for financial extortion... given that back then, she had been assisting my middle brother, JJ, in paying off those he had been indebted to... for paraphernalia usage (via him, about $500 on a biweekly basis... was requested, over the period of 2-3 months)..." - Michael Izuchukwu



5:35 AM (3/6/22):
"Interesting challenge, by Neil deGrasse Tyson... I was able to do such..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

StarTalk Radio 🌠 on Instagram: “Let us know if you’re able to do this NDT challenge 🤯”


10:46 PM (3/5/22):

"Interesting video of a dude eating a tantalizing burger, in New York City..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Shake Shack in NYC - Eating The Double Shack Burger! - YouTube (5:26-8:37) 


10:16 PM (3/5/22):
"I figured out how to use the 'laptop functionality' on this blog, once again... after the interface was changed (without my doing)...

After the consumption of an orange, I was reminded of this scene... from a movie, I watched long ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu

James And The Giant Peach 1996 720p BluRay x264 CiNEFiLExvid - YouTube 


5:10 PM (3/5/22):

"I tapped into the frequency of this video, as I made my way... to Subway..." - Michael Izuchukwu

A Boy meets the man (Rurouni Kenshin):




3:43 PM (3/5/22):



3:17 PM (3/5/22): 
"When you answer to Jesus Christ, on Judgment Day... you will have to account for all of your inequities... assuming, you in fact... believe there is 'a God'... Otherwise, you might as well be walking in 'spiritual darkness'... and be an excuse, for human life..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


3:15 PM (3/5/22):

 "I, the LORD, search the heart and examine the mind… to reward each person according to their conduct… according to what their deeds... deserve..." - Jeremiah 17:10


3:09 PM (3/5/22): 
"Today is a Saturday, and for its entirety (more or less), I haven't heard the sound of a single car 'beeping'... That is a clear indication to me, that what I endured for my first 9 months (in East Orange, NJ)... was an 'orchestrated conspiracy'... to a degree... The deviation is suspect, since my dominion is still by that intersection... where such was occurring (I had been voicing my concerns of such, on social media... in that interval of time)... All I have to say to whoever is to account for such, is 'fuck you, you're not going to heaven'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:13 PM (3/5/22):

NOTE: "About 30 seconds ago, 2 abrupt beeps... came out of nowhere..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz303) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos


2:26 PM (3/5/22):

"A juxtaposition of Khristo Markov (left, of Bulgaria) and Christian Olsson (right, of Sweden) triple jumping... at the 1988 and 2004 Olympics, respectively..." - Michael Izuchukwu


2:21 PM (3/5/22): 
"I awoke from my sleep, because in my dream... I saw the images of triple jumpers competing... visuals of them holding 'their phases' in the air... When I envisioned myself partaking in that activity, I 'shot upwards'... ...lucid dreaming, in a sense..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


2:18 PM (3/5/22):

"Interesting video, which kind of reminds me of some 'Cinderella-type' movie... or 'Maid in Manhattan'... perhaps..." - Michael Izuchukwu


2:11 PM (3/5/22):
"I woke up from a nap, at 2:09 PM today... Interestingly, $2.09 was the price of the Pepsi... I acquired, earlier... I could tell this, because my laptop was by my pillow... when I dozed off... and such was the displayed time, when I opened such..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


12:52 PM (3/5/22): 

"I presently am relating to this scene, quite a bit... Most people do not appreciate times where they are 'detached from the burdens that come, with unknown uncertainties'... until such inconveniences are thrust, upon them..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Signs "The Alien" 2002 movie scene - YouTube


12:40 PM (3/5/22):
"I have been walking everywhere on foot, my entire life... after my departure from Rice University (in January 2011), aside from the fact that I initially got my driver's license (for the first time)... on 2/19/14... and the fact that I intermittently have been driven, to places..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


12:38 PM (3/5/22):
"Growing up in Chesterfield, MO my dad drove a Mercedes, a BMW and a Range Rover (the former 'two' cars, were strictly designated... for him)... When I was at my former apartment complex (as of March 2020), I noticed that the 'silver BMW' was missing... but he never said a word, about such..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"A photo of a Mercedes Benz car dealership, in Virginia Beach, VA... from the summer of 2019... My dad once had 3 cars concurrently (a black Mercedes, silver BMW and a dark blue Range Rover)... He often drove the Mercedes, while my mom drove the Range Rover..." - Michael Izuchukwu : voldy39 (



12:11 PM (3/5/22): "Neither... (Cheese sticks with jerk sauce, and pepper)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(photo from 12:07 PM, today)
Such contrasts with:
12:16 PM (3/5/22):
Subway sandwich (12/8/21 at 12:26 PM)


11:48 AM (3/5/22):

"Shortly, I will be heading to either Wendy's or Subway... A nearby 'Dunkin Donuts' was recently closed, perhaps due to the construction of a new apartment complex... by ShopRite...

Can you guess which one...?" - Michael Izuchukwu 


11:26 AM (3/5/22):

"I had a cup of red Kool-Aid moments ago, given 'low-quality' ham sandwiches were served at my dominion (and that whenever I eat them, I feel a bit 'woozy' afterwards)... I probably will head out for a real lunch, sometime soon..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Interesting video... The amount of food, that a human can consume at one sitting... varies, based off a number of variables, including metabolic rate, degree of sedentariness, and the caloric content/nature of the food... itself..." - Michael Izuchukwu

I MOVED TO LONDON - YouTube (10:09-10:26)



10:11 AM (3/5/22): 
"My roommate associates with people of 'questionable or ill repute,' at my dominion... Just moments ago, a dude (who arguably has the chronological age of 35, but the biological age of a 40-year-old) who usually asks him if he can 'hold a phone, that he lends to my roommate'... walked in... and asked him to dial a number for himself, which my roommate rattled off... That makes me question his level of intelligence, given this 'dude (who has a habit of walking through the hallways, with no shirt covering his torso... and in turn, revealing his 'blubber')' recognizes the vocalization of numbers, but may be 'numerically illiterate'... He was attempting to get a food order, from McDonald's..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


10:06 AM (3/5/22):

"Interesting article... There is a difference between objectivity and subjectivity, and the distinction is crucial... when dealing with matters, of morality..." - Michael Izuchukwu

A substitute teacher from Virginia was suspended after expressing approval of Putin's invasion into Ukraine ( 


10:00 AM (3/5/22):

"Some Pepsi, for energization this morning... The carbonation can be beneficial..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(photo from 9:56 AM, today)


6:12 AM (3/5/22): "Woke up this morning, and concluded a 'new chapter' has begun ('in a sense')... The last time I gave much thought to my 'Theory of Dimensional Limitation,' was in November 2020... So, for the sake of transitioning back into the 'fine-tuning' of such... I speculated that I need to redirect my 'energy expenditure'... regarding social media/blogs (a post a day, perhaps)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"I found the following video, interesting..." - Michael Izuchukwu

VLOG | Spend time at home with me + settling into new apartment✨ - YouTube 



(a geographic map of Earth, in which there are '195' countries)

6:18 AM (3/5/22): "In the context of the aforementioned, when differing countries have conflicts with each other... it's metaphorical for what happens when bacteria of differing petri dishes... interact... On Earth, there is one 'extraterrestrial species'... that of humans (Homo Sapiens), consisting of various races (broken down into ethnicities, and so on)... Given that at least 6,500 languages are spoken on our planet, one can imagine what living in a country... with a domineering culture and language, that is not aligned with one's own... would be like..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:48 PM (3/4/22):

"Featured here, is a photo from the Westin hotel... of Virginia Beach, VA... I had been in the office of the lobby area, and had spent about 3-4 weeks there (when I was not in a state of 'vagrancy,' I spent a weekend at a friend's place... in Virginia Beach, VA, and at another guy's home... in Ghent (a neighborhood of Norfolk, VA)...

I had been in Virginia from April 2019 to August 2019 (4 months), but sometime when I was in Philadelphia, PA... my 'Microsoft Surface' laptop had been 'involuntarily disabled ('I was unable to do anything, after logging in')... So, I had abandoned such... before returning to New Jersey... which was before my time in University City, MO (as of March 2020), began..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:38 PM (3/4/22): 

"Peaceful video, uploaded about the same time that my studies (in a 'remote capacity') at Eastern Virginia Medical School... began..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Why should you come to EVMS? - YouTube


10:31 PM (3/4/22): 
"Interesting song, that I stumbled upon... not too long ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Toby Tranter - Up & Down - YouTube


9:22 PM (3/4/22):

"Everyday is a new adventure... In the spectrum of spacetime, one tends to look into the past... further than into, the future..." - Michael Izuchukwu


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