Vegeta & someone (presumably Nappa), traveling through space
Perhaps they are heading to PDS 70b, a planet... ...which I formerly dubbed 'Planet Jafar'... Part of my afterlife ambition, is for a 'Triple Jump Kingdom'... be constructed, on this world (~370 lightyears, away from Earth)... 
9:39 PM (8/1/24):
Given that a lightyear, is the distance that light travels... '1' year (about 5.87 trillion miles is covered, in a year... by light... ...which moves, at 186,000 miles/second)...
...Vegeta's ship, is moving 4.625 times faster, than the speed of light... ...if such, is going to reach PDS 70b... in 80 years... (assuming, Vegeta departed... ...from Earth)

8:43 PM (8/1/24):
A hunch of mine, from moments ago… …was that space exploration (in the pioneering sense), is an 'existential ordeal'… Humans are biological organisms, and colonization of the galaxy… …is a feat, that arguably is aligned… …for those, who have transcended ‘physiological constraints’…

A theory of mine, is that the Soviet Union... changed its name… …to Russia… …because the former, was oriented towards ‘space conquest’… …while the latter, has inclination… …for 'higher dimensions'…

A new country, emerged from an older one… …regarding the shift, in its vector (magnitude and direction)… …I, would imagine…



8:55 PM (8/1/24):
From an international standpoint, of the planet (Earth)… …we live on (when continent-based cultures and ideologies, are cross-examined)… …the more intellectual one, becomes… …the more inclined, one may be… …to feel, as though his/her reality… …is metaphorical, for a rules-based game… …where the attributes, that one has… …account, for one’s functioning level…

9:00 PM (8/1/24):
"Over time, sometimes we have to revisit our creations… …to gauge, why we created them… …in the first place…" – Michael Izuchukwu (random thought)

2:56 AM (8/2/24):
At 2:53 AM on this day, I looked up… …from my bed, in the darkness of my room… …and to my recollection, the room door swung open… …very fast (before closing/retracting)… …and ghost-like, white light… …flashed, momentarily… …which had the geometric shape, of the letters 'O-C-C'…

From this, my 'immediate inference'… …was that Jesus Christ, was saying… …that I am 'Michael the Archangel ('in some capacity')'… …given that, in terms of English gematria… …O-C-C equates to '15-3-3'… …and I formerly 'read online (in the year 2011, or so),' that the number 153… …is affiliated, with Michael the Archangel… …given that the summation, of the digits... from 1 to 17… …equates to 153… …and there was a catching, of ‘153’ fish… …in the bible…

I documented this observation, moments… …after such was observed… …due, to how startling (and supernatural)… …such was… (the air conditioning was not on, and I was drenched... sweat - I had an 'adrenaline rush,' that could be thought of... being 'jolted... with electricity')

3:05 AM (8/2/24):
I am wondering, why I had 'seen/visualized' the letters 'O-C-C'... ...and if my inference, was correct... ...because I do not dispute, that the 'light that I saw'... ...took, those shapes...

3:08 AM (8/2/24):
I could have sworn, that the abruptness of what I saw... ...was affiliated, with 'a sound'... ...If anything, there is a correlation... ...between visual stimuli, and sound pressure ('a noisy silence')...

This artistic rendering of 'young' Gohan, encapsulated... facial expression

3:21 AM (8/2/24):
There was the miraculous catch of 153 fish, at the third appearance... of Jesus Christ...  ...after His Resurrection... (see John 21:1-14)
Via a laptop or desktop, press CTRL+ F... search the number, '153'... ...via this blog:
The number '153,' is listed... '7' times...

3:31 AM (8/2/24):
"When I had visualized the light-embedded letters, of 'O-C-C'... ...there was hyphenation (such appeared, as 15-3-3... 'in my mind'... after I had done an English gematria conversion... ...mentally)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Photo of my roommate, Brice (in an orange shirt)... ...sleeping, at 3:28 AM... on 8/2/24 (the room, was humid)

3:42 AM (8/2/24):
The abruptness of what I had seen (the letters 'O-C-C'), could be likened... a train, moving... through darkness (regarding the 'flickering,' of the light)

3:48 AM (8/2/24):
Maybe I had 'said (written, via typing)' something, that Jesus Christ/'God the Son'... ...was reviewing, from the spirit realm... ...and He had had a conference, with His associates... ...and the consensus, was that Jesus... ...had to steer me (and consequently, 'others'... that share entanglement... in this reality), in 'a different... direction'... ...after, He reviewed... ...timeline possibilities... ...via the 4th spatial dimensional reality...


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